A small flurry of recent additions to this blog:
- The Art of Funerary Violin was a brilliant spoof and I have republished my review of it in the hope of introducing more readers to it. I’ve added a link to its creator’s website, too, because he has kept on doing smart, funny projects.
- Journey towards a path, Metaphysics from a clean slate and Established religions. These three are considerably longer and more serious, peering into the foundations of philosophy and religion and finding much which deserves critical attention.
They all date back to 2007 – 08 and have been posted here under approximately the dates they were written, i.e., way down towards the bottom of the blog, which is why this note seemed worth writing.
Just by way of an afterthought: I wonder whether I would have been quite so keen to republish Journey and its sequels if we hadn’t just suffered through Morrison’s failed attempt to legislate extra privileges for religious groups.