Photo sizes and file sizes

For web use, pixels are all that matter. The image needs to be X pixels by Y pixels, and that’s all we really need to know.

The resolution (usually expressed in dots per inch, dpi) is not the same thing as the pixel size but says something important about how the image is displayed, on screen or on paper. For instance, an image 250 x 250 px may be displayed on screen at 96 or 120 dpi according to the device, making it (roughly) two and a half or two inches (i.e. 60 or 50mm) square respectively; or it may be printed at 300dpi, making it less than one inch (25mm) square.

File size (usually expressed in kilobytes or megabytes, KB or MB) is related to pixel size but again doesn’t matter much for display purposes. For a given pixel size, a larger file will appear as a better quality image but will take longer to load.

Magnetic Island from Castle Hill

Townsville’s skyline is dominated by Castle Hill, and its peak provides wonderful views of the city and the region, from Hinchinbrook Island (on a clear day) to Cape Cleveland and beyond, with Magnetic Island floating beautifully in Cleveland Bay.

This photograph is an old one (2005) but it’s still one of my favourites, perhaps because it was taken much earlier in the day than I usually visit the hill.

Magnetic Island
Magnetic Island

Travels in Thailand and Cambodia

Recording an eye-opening trip with Intrepid from Bangkok – NW Thailand – Bangkok – Siem Reap – Angkor Wat – Tonle Sap – Phnom Penh in 2009.



For more, and larger, photos of Angkor see my photo gallery, Teachings of the Buddha.