The Telemann Ensemble


Introducing the ensemble

of the ensemble:
Margaret Caley
(baroque violin)
Malcolm Tattersall
(recorder & flute)
Daniel Cocks
(recorder & oboe)
Wade Tattersall
(cello & recorder)
Kaye Gersch

Sample Programme

A colourful performance:
The Elizabethan Fair

May 2005

Audio samples:
Visit MCNQ for downloads.

The 2006 Elizabethan Fair and Shakespeare Festival

The man behind our name:
Georg Philip Telemann

Education Kit for 2006 Elizabethan Fair and Shakespeare Festival

North Queensland Recorder Society
Townsville Arts Links
Malcolm Tattersall's home page
More links for Recorder and Early Music in Australasia

Photo of the founders
Malcolm Tattersall and Margaret Caley         

The Telemann Ensemble, based in Townsville, North Queensland, specialises in performing music of the baroque (with occasional excursions into earlier and slightly later music) with awareness of, and respect for, the instruments and performance traditions of the period. The ensemble was formed early in 1999 and has presented concerts and led workshops in Townsville, Atherton, Innisfail, Cairns and Brisbane.

Contact us

Margaret at 042 775 7958 (mob.) or via her home page, or Malcolm via his home page.

2010 and beyond

The Telemann Ensemble celebrated its tenth year in style but the full group was unable to perform in the first half of 2010 because of an injury which took longer to heal than expected. Three of us enjoyed an opportunity to play some rather different music in 'A Breath of Australian Air' with Rodney Waterman in May.

By the middle of the year we were all looking forward to playing as a quintet again, but major changes in our members' lives began to show themselves: Danny accepted a position in Physics in Frankfurt, beginning in November 2010, and Margaret and her family decided to move to Brisbane in December 2010. As if that wasn't enough, Kaye announced that she might be leaving Cairns in a similar time-frame, and we already expected Wade to spend less time in Townsville from 2011 onwards because of his study commitments.

In the light of all these changes, we elected to put on a house concert in Townsville on September 25 to celebrate and farewell the group we have been for so long. We performed old favourites and new repertoire for family and friends, and enjoyed a social glass or two afterwards.

From this point onwards, The Telemann Ensemble will only function on a project basis, taking advantage of any opportunity for two or more of us to come together to play - whether that is in North Queensland, Brisbane or (who knows?) Frankfurt.

2009 highlights

Cairns concert poster

Concert with Robyn Mellor, Canberra-based recorder player, in Sacred Heart Cathedral, Townsville, on June 16. This event was the finale of the North Qld Recorder Society's annual workshop weekend, held in Ingham on the previous weekend - full details here, photos here.

Concert with Stephen Preston (UK) in the Court Theater, Townsville in February.

Site designed and maintained by Malcolm Tattersall
This page last updated June 3, 2011
















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